All books are of good quality, unless otherwise indicated.
Prices are indicated with each book, this is payable the easiest way using PayPal, my PayPal name is Also payable by bank transfer. No cheques please!
Please inform for exact shipping costs, these would be between 5 and 15 euro for small respectively heavy books, within Europe. For sending outside Europe (USA, Australia or Asia) these amounts will typically rise to 15 - 25 euro.
For all enquiries contact Jaap Horst,
Hugh Conway & Maurice Sauzay
Format 340x250x55, 1989, English edition
Publisher: EPA
ISBN nr. 3 613 01305 3
This book really needs no introduction, it is still considered to be the Bugatti Bible, though many books on Bugatti have been published since! Exhaustive, all subjects Bugatti are covered.
I have two copies, one is damaged (but new, unread), the other as good as new. As you probably know, the slip case with which the Magnum comes has an imitation chassis plate, the numbers are given below.
No.1205 - with damage to rear of the book (see above right), contents inside are Ok; 350 Euro
Bugatti - Le Pur Sang des Automobiles
by H.G. Conway
I have two copies of Conway’s original masterwork on Bugattis – Le pur-sang des automobiles – published by Foulis in London.
There are over 450 pages packed with Bugatti lore and pictures of everything from his toy car to the fantastic Royale machines.
In his introduction he says that the idly curious may well ask what is there about a Bugatti that makes so many people dream of owning one.
Conway then spends the next 450 pages explaining just that.
Each car is dealt with in enormous detail.
The author then goes on to discuss Bugatti the man, and even works out just how many of the cars were produced and estimates the maximum speeds of the various performance models.
This is in fact the same stuff that the Bugatti "Magnum" was of, without the extra weight (and cost).
Book measures 5 1/2 inches x 9.
First-edition (1963), 95 Euro! (No dustjacket)
Third-edition (1974), 125 Euro! (With red dustjacket, above right)
ISBN-10: 0940717549
ISBN-13: 9780940717541
Format: Softcover
Publication Year: 1999
Size :
Height: 10.5 in.
Width: 8.5 in.
Thickness: 0.5 in.
Weight: 28.8 oz.
Length: 138 pages
Those who know the name Bugatti think immediately of cars. Connoisseurs of automobiles consider Bugattis among the greatest masterworks of automobile design. What these specialists probably don't realize, however, is that the great car designs of the late 1930s relate to a tradition of artistry and design including sculpture, drawings, furniture, and decorative objects that extends well into the previous century. Three generations of the Bugatti family, working in Milan and Paris, made important contributions to the visual arts. Carlo Bugatti (1856-1940) was a designer first of furniture and later of metalwork. Carlo's second son Rembrandt (1884-1916) became famous as a sculptor of animals, while Ettore (1881-1947) was essentially a self-trained automotive engineer who eventually became a successful manufacturer of racing, sport, and touring cars characterized by the ovoid arched shape of thier radiator grills. Ettore's son Jean (1909-1939) designed distinctive automobiles, and it is his work that has most significantly contributed to the fame of the Bugatti name today.
Good condition, 35 Euro.
Bugatti Folio I
by Jack Campbell
This "Folio" from 1963 can be considered to be the first "Picture book" about Bugatti, it has the history and photos of Bugatti automobiles from 1910-1955, including the Type 13 (1910) and the Type 251 (1955). All written in a time that people were still interested in the exceptional character of the Bugatti cars, not in their value (as they had little or no cash value). The book is 16 pages, in near mint condition. The size is huge with 15" by 11" (39 x 28cm). Included are 7 large size B&W prints on thick paper (could be framed) of: Type 22 Brescia, Type 37, Type 38 Tourer, Type 38 Murphy (with alloy wheels), Type 51A, Type 55, Type 57 Atalante. This would be a great addition to the Bugatti collector's library.
Very good condition, 110 Euro!
One of the best and most beautiful photo books, with breathtaking photographs of many of the Bugatti cars: T23 Brescia, t30, T32, T35C, T40, T40 coupe, T41 Royale, T43, T46 Coupe, T46 Profile, T49, T50, T51, T53, T55, T57 Ventoux, Roadster, Coupe Gangloff, T57G, T57S/SC Atalante, Aravis Cabriolet and Atlantic, T59 Sport "King of Belgium", T59/50B, T251, EB110/EB110SS, EB112
Description in French: Présentation de l'éditeur
L'histoire de Bugatti, marque légendaire, est jalonnée d'automobiles à la personnalité aussi forte que celle du " Patron ", leur créateur. Les unes sont prestigieuses, les autres sont surprenantes, toutes sont intéressantes. Vous dépayser, vous étonner, vous faire rêver, tels sont les objectifs que se sont fixés les auteurs en vous invitant à découvrir ces bolides dans le quatrième titre de la collection " Fantastiques ". Les photos, superbes, de Xavier de Nombel, les textes primesautiers ou historiques de Maurice Sauzay transcrivent l'originalité, l'élégance et dans tous les cas la race des demoiselles de Molsheim. Des voitures de course peu connues du début des années vingt (30, 32) aux Grand Tourisme renaissantes des années quatre-vingt-dix (EB 110 et 112) sans oublier les monuments que sont la 35 ou la Royale ni les berlines de tourisme les plus performantes de leur époque (57), vous découvrirez ces voitures qui n'ont jamais cessé de fasciner et qui ont créé le Mythe. En tenue de sport ou de compétition, en costume de ville ou de soirée, elles s'illustrèrent aussi bien dans le bruit et la fureur des circuits que sur les pelouses policées et confortables des concours d'élégance. Près de trente modèles inoubliables sont évoqués avec passion et talent dans ce nouvel ouvrage de prestige. Un livre cadeau où le sport, la beauté et la technique s'associent pour provoquer, aujourd'hui encore, la curiosité et l'admiration qui s'attachent à Ettore et Jean Bugatti, constructeurs d'automobiles de légende
New, 90 Euro
Bugatti, the Man and the Marque, by Jonathan Wood
With foreword by Barrie Price
The most complete Bugatti book, in my (and other's) opinion. Everybody who asks me what the best, most complete book on Bugatti history is, I recommend Wood. More complete than the Bugatti Magnum!
If you want only one book on Bugatti, this is it!
Hardback , 276 x 219 x 32mm, 384pp
Published 1992
The Crowood Press Ltd
110 Euro
122 pages, 143 photographs (mainly period) and drawings
17 x 24cm
"You know about the Italian descendant in Uruguay who is a collector of rare material, like a Daimler Benz that belonged to a nazi officer. He has a Bugatti engine that, as he says, is the first Formula 1 engine. This engine would be a revolution in the history of car racing, and actually in the history of the automobile as a whole!"
This is one of the legends raised in this book, which is based largely on a collection of mails that I received over the 10 years that the BugattiPage exists. These are the mails that were too strange or too much of a rumour to be published on my BugattiPage site, plus a selection of the most interesting material from my Internet site.
Opposite to most other - well researched - books, this one is written more to raise new questions: Instead of proving legends to be either false or true, this book tries to launch several new ones. Apart from these legends, there is also lots of previously unpublished information on various aspects of Bugatti history.
Though some of the stories may raise some eyebrows, and, I must admit, it may very well be that some are not true, most of the stories told in the book are real aspects of Bugatti history, like the stories on the Bugatti T125 and the Bugatti OTI, the T37 with compressor in front of the engine and many others. Added to the stories were many period pictures, mostly previously unpublished.
Prices are the following:
Europe: 25 Euro, including Postage & Packaging
Rest of world: 30 Euro , including Postage & Packaging
Apart from this, the CD Rom includes all the past issues of the Bugatti Revue (91 articles in 11 volumes!), as well as the complete contents of the Bugatti Page, including all the pictures, etc. etc. In total there are now over 8000 pictures on the CD Rom!
Difference with using the Internet is also that pages can be read far more quickly, no need to wait for the pictures to download first.
If you are interested, the price is $30 or 25 Euro. Add $7 for packing and postage (outside Europe), or 3 Euro P&P for Europe.
Edition 2,1 is also available, at the same price! Order both together at the same mailing costs!
All books are of good quality, unless otherwise indicated.
Prices are indicated with each book, this is payable the easiest way using PayPal, my PayPal name is Also payable by bank transfer. No cheques please!
Please inform for exact shipping costs, these would be between 5 and 15 euro for small respectively heavy books, within Europe. For sending outside Europe (USA, Australia or Asia) these amounts will typically rise to 15 - 25 euro.
For all enquiries contact Jaap Horst,